Durr VistaCam iX Range

VistaCam iX & VistaCam iX HD
The innovative interchangeable head technology offers a number of application options, facilitating communication with patients, caries diagnostics, and documentation – all in one. Dürr Dental camera systems provide valuable support in dental treatment and foster patient understanding of needed treatment measures. Also available in HD, The Vista Cam iX HD sets a new standard in intra oral imaging. Its outstanding HD resolution and interchangeable heads make the Vista Cam an exceptionally valuable support tool in dental treatment.
Also available in HD, The Vista Cam iX HD sets a new standard in intra oral imaging. Its outstanding HD resolution and interchangeable heads make the Vista Cam an exceptionally valuable support tool in dental treatment.
Highlights at a glance
VistaCam iX HD Smart – interchangeable head system, autofocus and real HD images
- Brilliant HD image quality even in video mode
- Autofocus for intraoral, extraoral and macro images
- Software analysis to detect caries lesions and to visualise plaque
- Support for diagnosing approximal caries without exposure to radiation
VistaCam iX – one camera, many options
- Macro interchangeable head for magnifying images 120x
- Proof interchangeable head makes caries and plaque visible on occlusal and smooth surfaces
- Proxi interchangeable head helps diagnose approximal caries
Powerful imaging software
The imaging software from Dürr Dental impresses with its intuitive design. All the main functions can be accessed with just one click – which is all it takes to both take and open images. Caries and plaque filters display caries activity with the aid of a colour scale and a numerical value – also in the live video view.
Reliable detection of caries and plaque
You will simply see more – the new VistaCam iX HD Smart Proof interchangeable head uses software for easy visualization of occlusal and surface caries, plaque on occlusal and smooth surfaces, as well as dental calculus. For the analysis of caries activity, both colours and numbers are used to display the result.